Can any one Help me regarding the entry of TDS excess paid...>>
If the party has paid excess TDS. and they wanted to write it off, is it possible to write if off in Profit and Loss a/c
Thank You in Advance
Salah (CA Finalist....!!) (40 Points)
08 September 2010Can any one Help me regarding the entry of TDS excess paid...>>
If the party has paid excess TDS. and they wanted to write it off, is it possible to write if off in Profit and Loss a/c
Thank You in Advance
Kamal Jain
(200 Points)
Replied 08 September 2010
You can write it off but will not be allowable as an expnditure.
(60 Points)
Replied 08 September 2010
Yes you can charge it off to P&L account but that expenditure will not be allowed under income tax Act.
(136 Points)
Replied 08 September 2010
it seems that party has deducted and paid excess tds than required and paid lesser amt to party than required......for eg:b ill amt=100 tds required to be deducted =2.payment required to be made=98.tds deducted by your client=3.payment made to the party=97.if this is the case then i dont think excess tds needs to be w/off.if however ur client has deducted and paid tds of 3 and payment made to party is also 98,then the excess rs 1 can be adjusted by ur client with the party in future BILLS as client will now issue a tds certificate of 3rs instead of 2 rs to the party who will also be able to claim tds accordingly.
(136 Points)
Replied 08 September 2010
also the view opined by above members that excees tds is not allowed as exp even if dr to p and l a/c is also correct.but i dont think after reading my above article u need to dr excess tds paid to p and l ac.instead dr it to the parties account in respect which excess tds is paid
Saurabh Toshniwal
(ca final)
(2363 Points)
Replied 08 September 2010
Originally posted by : Kamal Jain | ||
You can write it off but will not be allowable as an expnditure. |
(202 Points)
Replied 08 September 2010
Yes it can be written off. But not allowed as expenses.
(CA Practice )
(1818 Points)
Replied 08 September 2010
I agree with all of you but we should think from the point of view of client.
at we can do is to tansfer that Excess TDS paid to TDS Recoverable Account and do any of the following:
1) Either file a refund application. ( Which you will be never going to recieve. )
2) Give Excess credit to the party by issuing Form 16A and take the Reimbursement. ( This is a very commonly followed practice ).
Nimish Jain
(Internal Auditor/CA final student)
(240 Points)
Replied 08 September 2010
I agree with Rahul
N V Ram
(272 Points)
Replied 09 September 2010
Is it possible to claim refund from the department, if yes what is the procedure ?
(188 Points)
Replied 28 September 2010
you can adjust the amount paid excess as tds in next quarter but it is not allowable to deduct as expenses.
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