Enhancement of CPT Registration fee to Rs.6,000
All Regional Offices
All Decentralised offices
All Branches of ICAI
Dear Sirs,
We wish to bring to your kind attention the following important
decisions taken recently:
Enhancement of CPT Registration fee to Rs.6,000
The existing fee of Rs.3,500 for registration for the Common Proficiency Test(CPT) has been increased to Rs.6,000. The increasedfee is payable by the students registering for the CPT on or afterSeptember 1, 2009.
Completion of Orientation Programme by IPCC students – date extended
Students appearing for the Integrated Professional Competence Examination (IPCE), November, 2009 are required to complete the Orientation Programme of 35 hours before the date of declaration of the results of the IPCE, November, 2009. Such students have to furnish proof of completion of the Orientation Programme to the examination section latest by January 15, 2010.
Chapters having IT labs can organise Orientation Programmes
The Chapters having 100 hours IT labs of the ICAI can organize Orientation Programme for the students who are appearing in the November, 2009 and subsequent Integrated Professional Competence Examination (IPCE), such Orientation programmes have to be organized on similar lines like GMCS. Further the income and expenditure relating to the orientation programme run by the chapters have to be operated through a separate bank account.
All Branches and Chapters attached to the various branches should furnish the details of students completing the orientation prgoramme to their respective Regional Offices and the Examination Section. The respective Regional Offices should maintain comprehensive data regarding the students completing the orientation programme for their respective regions.
Fee for Orientation Programme
As already informed a uniform fee of Rs.3,000 has to be charged from the students for imparting the Orientation Programme.
Regional Offices, Decentralised Offices, Branches Offices and Chapters are requested to give wide publicity to the above mentioned decisions.
CA. R. Devarajan
Director, Board of Studies
ICAI Bhawan
A94/4, Sector 58
Noida 201301
devarajan @ icai.org
Mobile 09350799909
Ph.0120 3045901 3045902
Fax 0120 3045940