Whether form no. 3CA/3CB & 3CD e filing is made
mandatory for the assessment year 2013-14 ?
Efiling of form 3ca 3cb & 3cd
CA Abhijeet Baheti (CA Job) (103 Points)
02 May 2013CA Abhijeet Baheti (CA Job) (103 Points)
02 May 2013
Whether form no. 3CA/3CB & 3CD e filing is made
mandatory for the assessment year 2013-14 ?
Sonam Bidasaria
(770 Points)
Replied 02 May 2013
Yes...w.e.f Asst Year 2013-14, e-filing of tax audit report is mandatory along with ITR. Even, income tax site has been undergone through a massive change since October, 2012.
CA Abhijeet Baheti
(CA Job)
(103 Points)
Replied 03 May 2013
whether any notification is there with regard to manadatory filing
Rohit Kumar
(70 Points)
Replied 25 May 2013
[Notification No. 34 /2013/ F.No.142/5/2013-TPL]
Tekumalla Venkatappaiah
(Manager (Taxation))
(21 Points)
Replied 02 August 2013
I require xl template for uploading 3CD of a company