When ever im validating the PL sheet in the ITR4 of my client im getting the folling error...
"run time error 1004"
"method 'range 'of object_worksheet failed.
why is this error coming up
CA. Arijit Mukherjee
(International Accounting - Citrix R&D India)
(276 Points)
Replied 02 October 2010
This problem can occur when you give the workbook a defined name and then copy the worksheet several times without first saving and closing the workbook.
You are getting the error because Excel is trying to paste something when nothing has been selected to copy. or If you yourself open the file, which the Macro would try and open.
So do not copy and paste in an ITR file... and save the workbook and certain intervals.
Tell me if this works.
(243 Points)
Replied 02 October 2010
(243 Points)
Replied 02 October 2010
(Learning )
(690 Points)
Replied 02 October 2010
If you can upload that ITR copy so that this will help one of expert to solve the error.
CA. Arijit Mukherjee
(International Accounting - Citrix R&D India)
(276 Points)
Replied 02 October 2010
i beliv its better if you download the ITR 4 again from the website and try filing up and uploading again! i i know it will take a lot of time, but it might work!
After downloading when you drag the excel file from the rar file to your desktop, do not rename it! use it as it is. and do not copy paste any item into the excel sheet! the macros do not function properly.
I understand mr vkbothra wants us to help you better,and please dnt mind sir, but i feel its not advisable to upload any ITR in this site. ITRs are confidential.
See if this helps.
(31 Points)
Replied 03 October 2010
Dear RZ
ITr files at last containing ther version numer for refrence like R14 R16 etc.
As far as Error 1004 is concern If you send the file to me I will certinly solve your problem.
CA. Mukesh Saran
Pankaj Gulati
(Tax Advisor)
(81 Points)
Replied 04 October 2010
In the ITR 1 to 5, in schdule HP, never never copy and paste the address of tenant or figures from previous year's ITR to save your time. As soon as you do, u'll get run time error while making the XML file. Even if u manage to make an XML file, u may get an error while uploading the same. I don't know the reason but it is from my experience. MANO YA NA MANO....its up to u mere bhai...
(243 Points)
Replied 04 October 2010
thks evrybody for trying to sort the problem....but i think i found out the easiest way out...i downloaded the a new ITR-4 and used the button "IMPORT FROM PREVIOUS VERSION" which is on the first page (PART A GENERAL INFORMATION") ... and used the non working ITR4 as its source ...ALL data was imported from the old version and i dint have to work out on anythng...i uploaded the new ITR4 without any problem...
This utility can be very useful form next year when we work out on clients who have already efiled earlier ..this can a lot of time duplication of work...
(27 Points)
Replied 26 June 2012
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