Effect of gst on ca final result
a.kumar (B.Com) (341 Points)
09 July 2017
CA Rashmi Gandhi
(Chartered Accountant)
(86323 Points)
Replied 09 July 2017
(546 Points)
Replied 09 July 2017
Apurvakumar k shah
(Senior Auditor)
(417 Points)
Replied 09 July 2017
Karan Thakkar
(33 Points)
Replied 10 July 2017
second group result may be lower because ICAI wants all its studnets to be examined for GST. Do you remeber few last attempts of PE 2 exam, results were brought down to 1.5% just to force students to convert to IPCC and IPCC results were kept at 15-20%.
So in same way icai will reduce the pass percentage so that more and more students will come under new syllabus, because its needed for future
(254 Points)
Replied 10 July 2017
CA. Sunil Gokhale
(1484 Points)
Replied 11 July 2017