The impact of Corona virus has been not only felt on the health of people worldwide, but it has impacted the business community and the state of economy. This has consequential impact on the financial statement as well. Following is the synopsis in the Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) and Accounting Standard (AS)
Indian Accounting Standard / Accounting Standard |
Effect on the financial statement |
IND AS 2 and AS 2 - Inventory measurement |
In considering the net realizable value, the allocation of fixed production overhead to the cost of conversion may be considered |
IND AS 1 Presentation of financial statement
In case of any significant write downs and if they require disclosure |
Due to COVOD 19, the loan liability may change resulting in disclosure of current & non-current liability |
COVID 19 may have affected the financial performance and financial position of entities. |
AS 5 Net profit or loss for the period prior period items and changes in Accounting policies |
Effect on the economy/sector resulting in changes in the Accounting policies |
IND AS 36 & AS 28 Impairment of Non-Financial Assets
Due to COVID 19, there might be temporary ceasing of operations or an immediate decline in demand or prices resulting in lowering of revenues and profitability and reduced economic activity. These are the factors that the management may consider as the indicators that may require impairment testing for the purpose of Ind AS 36 and AS 28. |
The management needs to consider the following: |
Testing of impairment of Goodwill has to be done considering the adverse effect on the operation and cash generation to which the Goodwill is associated |
ECL (Expected Credit Loss) requirement of Ind AS 109, the measurement of ECL is expected to consider current as well as forecasted macro-economic conditions and more than one scenario. Entities may need to develop one or more scenarios considering the potential impact of COVID-19. |
1. If entities have adopted cash-flow hedge accounting for certain forecasted transactions, they should assess whether the transaticon still qualifies as a highly probable forecast transaction considering their business environment |
IND AS 107 Financial instruments Disclosures |
1. Entities may need to disclose the impact of COVID-19 on various credit related aspects such as methods, assumptions and information used in estimating ECL, policies and procedures for valuing collaterals etc. |
AS 13 - Accounting for Investment
Entities may have to carefully consider the requirements of making provisions for decline in the value of investments, which is other than temporary. |
In respect of financial assets within the scope of AS 13, entities have to carefully consider the impact of COVID-19 on determinaon of fair value for valuation of investments classified as Current Investments. |
IND AS 113 Fair value measurement
The current financial and capital market environment across the globe has got affected by the rapid spread of COVID-19 and may have developed the following features. |
Preparers should be guided by the application guidance in Ind AS 113 that indicates circumstances in which the transaction is not considered an orderly transaction |
Preparers using valuation techniques may have to consider the impact of COVID-19 on various assumptions including discount rates, credit-spread/counter-party credit risk etc. |
Accounting for Derivatives |
In respect of recognition and measurement of derivatives within the scope ICAI Guidance Note on Derivatives, entities may need to consider the impact on key inputs/assumptions such as foreign currency rate, interest rate, etc. used in their valuation techniques, including the potential impact on hedge accounting |
IND AS 116 Leases
Due to COVID-19, there may be changes in the terms of lease arrangements or lessor may give some concession to the lessee with respect to lease payments, rent free holidays etc. Such revised terms or concessions shall be considered while accounting for leases, which may lead to the application of accounting relating to the modification of leases. However, anticipated revisions should not be taken into account |
Discount rate used to determine the present value of new lease liabilies may need to incorporate any risk associated with COVID-19. |
Entities will need to determine whether as a result of COVID -19, any lease arrangement has become onerous. |
IND AS 115 Revenue from contract with customers
Due to COVID-19, there could be likely increase in sales returns, decrease in volume discounts, higher price discounts etc. Under Ind AS 115, these factors need to be considered in estimating the amount of revenue to recognised, i.e., measurement of variable consideration. |
Ind AS 115 also requires disclosure of information that allows users to understand the nature, amount, timing and uncertainity of cash flows arising from revenue. Therefore, entities may have to consider disclosure about the impact of COVID-19 on entities revenue. |
AS 9 Revenue Recognition |
entities to disclose the circumstances in which revenue recognition has been postponed pending the resolution of significant uncertainties. |
IND AS 37 - Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent Assets
Management should consider whether any of its |
Entities may have insurance policies that cover loss of |
IND AS 1 Presentations of Financial Statements |
Going Concern Assessment |
IND AS 12 - Income Taxes |
Consideration to reduce the deferred tax liability or create additional deductible temporary differences. |
IND AS 16 Property, Plant & Equipment |
Consideration of expected useful life and residual life of the asset as some assets may not be utilized or under utilized during certain period |
IND AS 23 Borrowing Cost |
Above standards require that the capitalisation of interest is suspended when development of an asset is suspended. The management may consider this |
IND AS 10 and AS 4 Post Balance Sheet Events |
Entities must disclose significant recognition and measurement uncertainties into adjusting and non-adjusting events that might have been created by the outbreak of the COVID -19 in measuring various assets and liabilities. They should also disclose how they have dealt with the impact of COVID -19 on the financial position and financial performance of |
IND AS 110 -Consolidation of financial statement |
financial statements of parent and subsidiaries |
If principal auditor is unable to obtain adequate information or reporting from the component |