Education in india

jhony (MBA) (310 Points)

18 October 2012  
Education is a vital thing for every individual. India is the land where educationists like Swami Vivekananda was born…but why people today are facing problems in getting quality jobs, maintaining quality living and always searching for better jobs. Government is planning to increase literacy rate but on papers only, various schools and colleges are there on papers but elementary education Is still lacking in india, practically the schools were never operated like the way they should be resulting in lack of proper education at the most basic level from where a strong foundation is built. Gandhiji said that the heart of India is the villages and the farmers but that heart is not given enough oxygen to breath, their children are still lacking education and they cannot afford to send them to urban area schools.  The quality of classes, teachers and facilities are very pathetic and cannot be even compared to any modern school of urban areas
Even if we talk of urban areas there schools are just a money making machine for the owners, they are providing all the facilities like AC Rooms, Laptops etc but the question is still that - whether all these things will give the quality of education and knowledge to the students? Are their quality and content of teaching is acceptable and recognized globally? Or we are studying only to get a degree without having a strong foundation of knowledge.
As being the basic and most important necessity of any person, the education system should be such that it can give the Individual the power to recognize and use their latent skills to attain overall growth. When I say overall growth mostly people will define it in monetary terms but overall includes personality, developing values, judgmental powers, communication skills etc.
Individuals when born are like white paper and they have lot of opportunities for them from the day they are born, what I think is that we should gain education from the very basic level ,as in case of rural and some poor earning families that cannot pay the fees and they want their children to earn for the family instead of going to the school, for this government should properly monitor the schools and their should be reservation in the private Schools (not for any cast or creed but for poor earning families )as they should also contribute to the society. By doing this a strong foundation will be built, every individual will be able to get knowledge. A change in Education pattern is the need of the hour as studying Shakespeare and memorizing the history is very old concept. All the education should be on practical basis. Students should involve themselves or rather indulge themselves in gaining knowledge by experiencing the same as this will give them the deep insight of why a certain theory is formed or why the specific formula will work in this situation.
At the level when we are ready to leave the school and join for higher education, there should be counseling for the students in regard to the field they want to choose and peruse their career. Mostly student just flow with the decisions of the Family or with peers. But one should take the career in which we shouldn’t feel like a load on the head. Your hobby is the best career to peruse. Choose what you really like to do in spare time, choose the line in which you hobby is present. As this is the foundation stone of your whole life.

Even having a lot of obstacles in the gaining a quality education , still Indian students are considered to be the best in whole world in matter of knowledge and problem solving skills. We should see that the Brain Drain which India is facing is due to the lack of opportunities we have, but in upcoming years there will be many opportunities and the process of brain drain will be reversed and we will again see the India as “sone ki chidiya”