Earning Points..!!!

Page no : 2

Prabeer (B. COM (H) CA & CS Final)   (5484 Points)
Replied 11 December 2008

I totally agree with U Sunali.

CMA Ankur Pandey (Govt.Job) (4401 Points)
Replied 03 July 2009

Originally posted by :Jimmit Mehta
" Ya friends u all are right as most of the member just seem to earn point. But there are also some member who shares very useful things which are beneficial to us in our future.


Rajesh (Service ) (7576 Points)
Replied 03 July 2009

Dear all

You are all discussing about the matter posted here. Please tell me one thing that if one person have already entered in Top 30 lists and get the award also then what is the benefit for him to post again and again as he does not get any thig againt it.

2.  In caclubindia this segment 'Others' is for posted any thing (related or not) but having sence and not vulgour. So dear friends it is not good to pass comments on it. Have ypu all see all the posts related to your subjects. IN the site there are much space provided to cover all topics on finance & Accounts.

When you all having much area related to your subject then why are you comments for such non difined segment.

Please think

Yogesh Shah (Managing Corporate Finance)   (1051 Points)
Replied 03 July 2009


I don't think that anybody get a room (in this site) for scoring unnecessary points.

Except "Forum", everywhere whatever u submit, it displays on site only after moderation.

I think, if u want GOOD, u have to search GOOD....don't waste ur time in searching other.........................If u want knowledge, search for it...don't worry about what others do? why they are only interested in making points?

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