
CA Akshay Kumar Mishra (Chartered Accountant ) (1784 Points)

21 September 2010  


When I see an eagle soaring in the sky,
Oh! if I had wings like a bird and could fly.

When I see the rainbow that is filled with colors
Oh! if I could wear those colors and make my life as colorful as it could ever be.

When I see the beehive filled with nectar from fragrant flowers,
I wish I could taste the sweetness of fragrance throughout my life.

When I see stars glittering in the darkness,
I wish I could sparkle my life with the glitter that fascinates me.

Dreams are many but desires don't always come true.
Living in hope, waiting for the right moment is what I've to do.

Success never comes without effort, so make ur own path...
rather than following the footprints.

The fruit will be urs someday, when u least expect it.

U'll be like the eagle soaring in the sky