Hello all,
I just joined in - searching for a reply to Invoicing & Generation of EwayBill for In-transit Sales of Goods and maintaining the Secrecy from both the Manufacturer & End Consumer.
I have gone through the Replies put forward by you all.
Though I am really excited to have found a way out of this Blunder by GST Authorities - making everything known to both the First Seller & End Consumer and kicking the Supplier (the Middleman out of Business) who is making all the efforts and financing, but what worries me is that the EwayBill Helpline donot approve what Sh. Ashish Pallod ji mentions. And insists to have an Invoice & EwayBill Both with Bill to - B the Buyer and Ship to - C the End Consumer in Invoice. And Direct A, Indore to C, Delhi.
Cold you please Charity it further.