First let us demand the dept. that all features work properly and are accessible without any interruption.
Now in e-filing site whenever we try to access it asks date of birth...? I do not understand. At the time of entry it asks for DOB and again when we want to see form 26AS again DOB.
In the e-filing site earlier there was a feature in which the acknowledgement and the notice U/s 143..was available. This could be downloaded... NOW>>>?...!!
So, First let us see the features and its utility .. and what more features are needed for the assesses , So that there will not be any communication gap (i.e no tension)
From the experience of the new hhhhues-er freindly e-filing site and sites 1 can be sure that the Govt. has decided to be responsibly irresponsible
(like in any the rest of the matters public are concerned say -aadhar cards)
Under these circumstances !!! important is digital signature. How many salaried employees will accept it.
How much a salaried employee is paying for filing...!!!
How much fee a a small business man filing in ITR 4/ 4S is paying !!!
If you ask them first to take Digital signature what % age of the fee it costs.
To obtain a digital signature again the assessee has to give address proof (acceptable to ....)
and ID proof, Signature attestation.....
All these are a big nuisance. Small consultants (like me) has to concentrate on these works rather than updating the ever changing rules and regulations (particularly under Chindambaram's ministry)
So consultants please think of....... before supporting this proposal by the Govt.(The ruling 'class' for their own benefit may say so much poetry. But in the name of protecting the drivers of 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers the IPS introduce helmets for 2 wheelers and belts for 4 wheeler drivers. They fine for non- adhrernce of these rules. At the same time will they care to think of doing what they have to do to reduce accidents and traffic congestion. Digital signature is like this kind of proposal by the gHovernment.