E filing of tax audit report problems


11 August 2013  
Q 1) I cannot read the file for signing while uploading XML. What should I do?
Answer: This problem is due to your Internet Explorer browser settings. Please do the
 In Internet Explorer-> Tools ->Internet Option ->Security -> Custom Level-> You
should enable "Include local directory Path when uploading file to the server".
 Create a folder in the "C" Drive called “fakepath” (c:\fakepath) and copy the xml files
to this folder. Restart the Browser and you will be able to upload the file.
Q 2) I have saved the XML file in my computer, but while uploading, system is giving
an error “Cannot read the XML file”? What should I do ?
Answer: Kindly set the Internet Explorer Security Settings to Low. Please follow the below
 In case of Windows Vista/Windows 7, Go To Start-->Control Panel--> Programs--> 
Java--> General tab.
 Click on “Settings” button in 'Temporary Internet Files'.
 Kindly uncheck the “Keep temporary files on my computer”and click the “Delete Files”
button and press OK.
 Close your existing browser and open a new browser.
Q 3) The web page is expired while uploading a DSC, What should I do ?
Answer: Java Runtime Environment V 1.6 or above, needs to be installed in your machine.
Q 4) DSC "session expired" issue and offline forms utility.
Answer: JRE 1.7 update 6 and above (32 bit) is required to run applets for Digital
Signatures and offline forms to work.