Dvat input on captial good

Vinod Aggarwal (V.P. Finance) (41 Points)

16 November 2012  

Dear Sir,

1.  We have purchase one car. They have charged DVAT 12.5% of Rs. 64,297.00 on 514375/-.  I would like to know that can we take input vat Rs. 64297 full in the qaterly retrun.

2.  In the DVAT Return Form 1 Colum No. 7 

Turnover of Declared Goods  against C Form

Turnover of Declared Goods sold otherwise 

Turnover of Non Declare Good against C Form

Turnover of Non Declare Goods sold otherwise  

I would like to know difference between declared good and non declared good.


Please advise 


Vinod Aggarwal