Hi Ashish / Kaushal,
If there is no sale of fixed asset happens in the year or past years, DTL/DTA calculated based on the Depreciation or WDV will provide us the same results.
But Accounting entries will be entirely different in the two cases. Pls refer to the attached excel sheet. Net effect of the entries under both made will be same. However, difference should be noted.
Now, suppose a sale of fixed asset happens, then under the Income Tax Depreciation sales proceeds would be deducted from the WDV.
But in Corporate Depreciation, WDV would be entirely knocked off from the schedule itself.
Under this circumstances, DTA/DTL calculated based on Depreciation alone and calculation based on WDV will significantly differ.
This difference is due to the treatment of sales proceeds in Income Tax Depreciation and knocking off the WDV of sold asset in Corporate Depreciation.
As for as my experience, it is ADVISABLE to calculate Depreciation based WDV Method to avoid confusion.