Draft moa as per new companies act, 2013

Page no : 12

chandrashekhar (Accountant) (22 Points)
Replied 16 July 2015


Plz Email me MOA & AOA of agriculture company

Email Id : cashekhar3 @ gmail.com


Chandra shekhar

Praveen Kumar Dutt (Partner) (21 Points)
Replied 20 July 2015

Can anybody please provide me MOA & AOA of agro export comapny


Amit Singhania (senio accountant) (22 Points)
Replied 18 September 2015

Dear Mr. Rahul

I filed INC-7 for incorporatin a Private Limited Company. They required "Sub. Amt and its total must be in word as well as figure in MOA."

But there is no coloumn for writing amount. There it is written only number of shares.

Can u tell me where should I write Subsription Amount and its total??

CS Pravin Yadav (Company Secretary) (67 Points)
Replied 07 October 2015

Thank You Very Much....!!!! yes

CS Pravin Yadav (Company Secretary) (67 Points)
Replied 07 October 2015

Thank You Very Much....!!!! yes

Amod Pahadiya CA (partner) (55 Points)
Replied 08 October 2015

Dear Ajay Mishraji

please email us soft copy of draft AOA as you mentioned in the chat at 

kpaind @ gmail.com

CA Amod Pahadiya


LIJESH (Student CS) (23 Points)
Replied 13 October 2015

pls provide draft aoa for ltd section 8 company.


nishant gupta (FOUNDER OF GUPTA GERA & ASSOCIATES )   (21 Points)
Replied 13 February 2016


nishant.gupta4824 @ gmail.com


Akash Deep (1 Points)
Replied 16 February 2016

Can you Please provide MOA & AOA for a telecom private limited company limited by guarantee not having share capital. Here is my mail Id :- akashdeepmitthu @ gmail.com

shankar (Article assistant) (21 Points)
Replied 23 May 2016

Please send me the Draft MOA and AOA to mpkubsad @ gmail.com

Replied 30 May 2016

SIR, PLS SEND ME MOA AND AOA WORD FORMAT MAIL ID : vinothkumaraudit @ gmail.com

farha (practicing company secretary )   (21 Points)
Replied 03 June 2016

Dear Ajay Sir,

Could you please send me the documentation work of Conversion of Private Company into section 8 company ....on farhak24 @ gmail.com....will be obliged for your assiatance ...i am aware of the process but dont have the formaats of resolutions required including the moa and aoa ..the purppose of the comp is education.


Thanking You

Replied 07 July 2016

is this relevant today also???? as this thread pertains to 2 years ago..also please can you mail me the latest format on mye-mail id: kagarwal552 @ gmail.com


Madhuri (CS Professional Student)   (35 Points)
Replied 26 July 2016

Hello Ajay Sir,

How many Main objects a company can have in MOA and as well as anciliary objects?

Is there any restriction for number of objects?

Please clarify ....

Thabks in advance

Replied 11 August 2016

Ajay Sir,

Can you please send me MOA & AOA of Computer Trading company in word format.at kiyoshmewada @ yahoo.co.in

Thank you,

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