Doubts regarding epf and eps withdrawl/transfer

Manish (Software Engineer) (103 Points)

29 October 2016  


I have some doubts regarding the EPF and EPS. Before joining my last company I had worked with 2 companies and had EPF and EPS membership. While Joining the last employer I transferred the PF amount from my previous 2 organization to this one through using form13.Now I have doubts with the below points:

1. When i check my UAN passbook for the last organization, it shows the transferred amount includes only employee contribution and employer contribution to EPF. So My question is what happened to the amount in the EPS fund. Can't we transfer the EPS amount. If we can not, is there any option to withdraw the EPS. What options i have to transact with EPS amount.

2. In my last company exit process, I have been provided a PF closure form where there is a option to choose scheme certificate. Can anybody please let me know what it is.Is there any benefit to opt for this.What is the other option if i don't select the scheme certificate.

3. Now i have joined my 4'th company. Here EPF membership is optional. So I am little bit confused whether i should opt it or not.If i don't opt it and withdraw my pf amount what will happen to my EPS amount. If anybody can help me in deciding, that would be appreciable.

Note: My Total working tenure is 6 years but I have EPF membership from Dec 2012.

Hoping to get my query resolved here.
