Dear Friends,
- As per para 11 (b) of AS 11, non-monetary items which are carried at historical cost should be reported on the Balance Sheet date using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction. In the subsequent para i.e. para 12, fixed assets, inventory and investment in shares is shown as example of non-monetary items. As such, fixed asset purchased through foreign currency should be reported in BS at the exchange rate at the date of transaction.
- As per AS 10 para 9.1, changes in cost of fixed asset on account of exchange fluctuation subsequent to acquisition or construction of fixed asset should be included as the purchase cost and as such, forms part of the historical cost of the fixed asset.
Lets take an example. I purchased a machine at $1,00,000 on 01.06.2012. The exchange rate as on that date was Rs. 45 per dollar. The payment had to be made in 3 installments on an yearly basis starting from 01.06.2013. The exchange rate as on 31.03.2013 was Rs. 48 per dollar. As per AS 11, my liability on 31.03.2013 would be raised to Rs. 48,00,000 ($1,00,000 at Rs. 48 per dollar). The difference of Rs. 3,00,000 would be charged to P&L account.
My question is -
- At what rate would fixed asset be booked on 31.03.2013?
- What all entries need to be passed in the books?