It has been observd dt Excited Studnts who are nt gvng papr ryt nw,n wantng realy bad to see papers are indirectly mekng examinees eithr blame Icai or papr settr or luck or be i urge examinees PLEASE Dont examinees unleash ur tension n anger. Just let it go aftr 22 nov. Write nw next papr matrs most. N bout dos stdnts who ask for coments plz don ask as it meks dem go into d mistakes or negativty. Dey wil tel aftr xams jst wait. Wn u wl gv xams n if smbdy asks or tels bout ur papr,wch ofcors u wnt to forgt 4 d momnt n move on to next papr,u wil feel d stres,so pleas stop askng coments. Hope al wil undrstnd n cooperate.
Dont ENCOURAGE curent examinees to unleash der tension n anger
Sumit (PR) (336 Points)
18 November 2010