Don't believe God because

CA CS Amit Borade (Chief Accountant) (2828 Points)

17 November 2009  

Don't believe God because

God Gives you what you want.

God don't gives you what you want.

HE gives you what is in your best interest.

He knows you better than you know you.

A child cry when his mother takes away a

toy ( of his elders brothers and sisters)

Because it is dangerous and injurious

for the child.

We are still Babies in big body.

SUN works for you 24 hours and 365 days without

lunch break , tea break and casual leave.

To give you Lights and Vitamins without

sending you any Bill.

It arrange also night for you so that

you get rest and deep sleep so that

you are ready a fresh for next day.

HE never discriminate you based on

your social status , money. reigion, cast

and creed.

Always Acknoweldge The God,

There is Sunrise after Sunset,

High tide after low tide and

Spring after every fall.

Can you deny this fact ?

Smile Now and Always .

Yaar Smile ! or Issmile.

What is suffering and pain compared with

what was experienced By

Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Maa Sita,

Jesus and Mohammed Saheb ?

and What is more,

You are guaranteed a new brand life,

new and fresh body,new relatives.

friends and fresh mistakes.

HE has to take care of whole universe,

and Like a Army General,

has to transfer HIS soldiers,

from one posting to another

as per HIS strategy and need.

( We may not like new posting

because we are not aware of

HIS need and purpose.)


Never lose God.

your only hope and you shall lose this hope then

You shall be poorest person on the earth.