Doctors, non practicing allowance (npa) and hra benefits

vivek (Assistant Professor) (35 Points)

18 December 2012  

Hi Friends,

I am a doctor working in the central governemnt in an educatrional institute. Thereby I receive a NPA of Rs 9500 each month.  and my HRA is being provided as a 30% of BasicPay+GradePay+NPA (rs. 47500) and comes to Rs. 14250 each month. Now I am also earning DA on BasicPay+GradePay+NPA (rs. 47500) as per the central govt norms.

I am staying in a rented place and paying Rs 10,000 each month as rentals.

My query is: how much is my HRA benefit applicable. The confusion is with regards specifically to

1. Whether NPA is included in basic for calculating HRA benefit ?

2. Whether DA is included in basic for calculating HRA benefit ?

Any help with pointers to the relevenat sections of income tax law would be highly appreciated.


Dr. Vivek