Do it right away + Life is Excellent

CA CS Amit Borade (Chief Accountant) (2828 Points)

10 January 2010  

A story comes when Ravan was about to die,

at that time Bhagwaan Shri Ram said to Lakshmaji -

"Today a highly educated one who has written commentaries on the Vedas etc., is about to depart.

Whatever you would like to learn and gain from him, do so now." Lakshmanji went and stood near Ravan's head and asked that what is the essence of your life, please reveal to us.

Lakshmanji was standing near Ravan's head therefore he did not say anything.

Then after Shri Ram's prodding Lakshmanji moved towards Ravan's feet and stood there. At that time Ravan said "O' Man of austerity, there is one point, whatever work that needs to be done, it should be done quickly.

Once I had a thought to make the moon free of all blemishes, and to make it such that the moon shines everyday on this planet.

I had a thought once to bring nectar and make this ocean sweet (salt-less). Once I desired to build a ladder that could reach the heavens, whereby one could go and come from heaven any time.

I wanted to get rid of the smoke from fire once and for all. These were in my thoughts, but they never got done. Therefore whatever work needs to get done, one must do it right away..
@ @ @ Life is Excellent

Life is indeed the most excellent of all virtues. If we were to even for a single moment reflect upon Life and its trajectories, all we could be able to perceive is that Life is encompassed and has bestowed each and every one of us with excellence in each sphere and facet of this most adventurous journey called, Life.

Life has always provided each and every one of us with the very best, all times, all instances, always in all ways. We should always appreciate with immense gratitude this precious gift, "Life", that we have been awarded fortunately.

To Live each and every moment with Awareness, Gratitude, Responsibility and Appreciation is an Excellence by itself. We live once. Let us Live excellently, with thanks.
Jay Guru Dev :-)