Hi everyone,
Is there any tax I need to pay as GST if I conduct reward based crowdfunding?
And Is there Income tax on crowdfunded amount?
Purpose is to raise funds for converting Business Idea to reality.
Arthur Lovian (7 Points)
03 November 2021Hi everyone,
Is there any tax I need to pay as GST if I conduct reward based crowdfunding?
And Is there Income tax on crowdfunded amount?
Purpose is to raise funds for converting Business Idea to reality.
CA Raj Doshi
(Practising CA)
(8939 Points)
Replied 04 November 2021
CA Raj Doshi
(Practising CA)
(8939 Points)
Replied 04 November 2021
I mean there is sale of goods or rendering of services however not for any consideration.
Janak Shah
(603 Points)
Replied 04 November 2021
CA Raj Doshi
(Practising CA)
(8939 Points)
Replied 04 November 2021
Yes. It's a bit complicated and would depend on understanding your case in detail. An aggressive approach would be " Not liable for GST " and a conservative approach could be " Liable for GST ". The conclusion would arrive only then.
Janak Shah
(603 Points)
Replied 05 November 2021