Dividend distribution tax

k.sampathkumar (CA Practise) (69 Points)

15 May 2012  

Dear Frns,

Please clairfy me in the following Doubt..

Since the Company is  paying tax(Corporate tax) on the Profits  and again paying DDT(Dividend distribution tax ) on the profits (these profits are already subjected to tax) while distributing to shareholders....

 It seems to be that  company paying tax twice on the same profits ... 1) in the form of Corporate tax 2) in the form of DDTafter paying the corporate tax on the profits..


PBT ---------------------------------------100

Less: Tax @ 30:-----------------------       30

PAT -------------------------------------- 70 (This 70 is already subjected to tax)

DDT @ 20 (say 20%)---------------            14 (Is it not paying the tax twice?)

profits available for Dividend-- ----------    56


Kindly Clarify me the above one....