hi guys..!!
i received my admit card yesterday. all iswell in it except for the fact that the signature on my admit card does not match with the signature i registered with ICAI,,kindly tell me what should i do and whom to contact..??
Niket Sinha (CA CS Student B.Com-II) (230 Points)
12 April 2012hi guys..!!
i received my admit card yesterday. all iswell in it except for the fact that the signature on my admit card does not match with the signature i registered with ICAI,,kindly tell me what should i do and whom to contact..??
(2030 Points)
Replied 12 April 2012
Hi Niket Sinha,
No need of worry its not problem yaar, u can write ur exam with this hall ticket.
And u have to sign in examination attendence register as appear ur sign in hall ticket only, same must be sign its enough.
It should match with attendence register that's all and no need of matching with ur ICAI Registration form.
All tHe Best,
Best Regards,
Niket Sinha
(CA CS Student B.Com-II)
(230 Points)
Replied 12 April 2012
Karthikeya, thnx for ur reply buddy..!!
but wat i ask is that the difference in the signature, is the difference bet'n artic and antaritca..!! will it do me no bad..?
(2030 Points)
Replied 12 April 2012
Ok then keep query about this in ICAI in E-sahataya.
the link is here
If any doubt u have keep here, solution will reply from them.
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