In form DIR-12, for appointment of director- What is the meaning for interested in other entity.
Megha Choudhary
(Management Trainee)
(541 Points)
Replied 05 April 2016
Dear Ramya,
it means whether the director holds any position as a director or wtd or additional director etc in any other company as on that date.
interest in any other entities you can search on the mca portal
(28 Points)
Replied 05 April 2016
Thanks for your reply. I have a doubt regarding, say interested that particular director want to hold morethan 2% shareholding
(28 Points)
Replied 05 April 2016
Please clarify the interpretation of "Interest in other Entities".
Whether its shareholding interest or Directorship holding in other companies.
Megha Choudhary
(Management Trainee)
(541 Points)
Replied 05 April 2016
shareholding in other companies
Parikshit Ghosh
(37 Points)
Replied 05 April 2016
CS Bharathi G Karthikeyan
(Company Secretary)
(153 Points)
Replied 07 April 2016
(41 Points)
Replied 03 October 2019
Shall foreign national being appointed as a director and holds directorship in company outside India be disclosed.
Thanks and regards.