dil se study
Hey its my fourth day in my series ,..and according to me, m doing pretty well.pretty well se yaad aaya kal ka match …wow!!! Superb,fantastic…agar kal ka match kisi ne nahi dekha ..to phir kya dekha …?So lets carry on with it….we have learned so much in these three days…
Dance along with CA....
Are you studying properly .....????
why Notes ??????
But right now there is another aspect , that we all know we need to study for exams ….but we always say ki yr dil ni kar raha …DIL HAI Ki manta nahi hai ..betabi janta nahi hai ,m karu kya bata zara sathiya …
Now its obvious ki jab dil ni kar raha …then u will try to escape from studies.this or that ...TV ,laptop se lekar shopping tak sare kaam yaad aa jayenge …if this thoughts don’t come in mind …then u will say ..ok jst take sum rest , then will be back on track ..but still nah…its almost hour passed. And u still don’t wanna come to ur books.and agar aa bi gaye to….u will keep the same book near u …and wont read ..no matter how much hours passed
Ok …so it’s the fault of ur heart …sry ,..,I don’t agree .Bcz m a heart follower person
. To plz agli baari se dil ko dosh mat dena
Now come to the real deal ..y heart is not agree….
now that s the real thing if u are tired , then obviously u cant give ur best shot.for example while making notes ,not ur time is consumed ur whole mind is also absorbed into it.There can be various reasons…
· Notes are lengthy to make bcz there is need to compiling all things.
· U need to sit in one posture.
· Ur body is tired
· U wanna study …but still ur mind is not allowing so.
So here is the real way ….now u have to first make yourself free from tiredness…now what to do ?? we are already giving ourself a big brk of relaxation…now what else..
Add some exercise also . include 15 min daily exercise.u can take also a walk …. Hello u r not an old person. DO PROPER EXERCISE. Okk.CA will say ki yaar time hi nahi milta …ki kariye
…jst give urself 15 mins to help urself
o If u are a person who is more keen to do exercise and knows that too well ..then u can do these simple 3 excercises
§ For warming up -------- u can do simple marching,skipping for 2 minutes minimum.
§ For main workout------- u can do pushups.If u cant do, then u can do it as through the support of wall.
§ For relaxation-------u can simply lay down in praying position which is also called the gurupranam..
o Nah .. m not a exercise addict …I do yoga only. Then ok fine …now u have lots of ideas
§ For warming up ----- u can do sarvangasan.tadasan .tikonasan.
§ For main workout----- u can do suryanamskar, and also chakrasan.
§ For relaxation ------- u can do shvasan and also gurupranam.
There are lots of things so do ….m not a yoga therapist or a gym instructor.but yes the options.i have given are good to follow.want to say jst these things …
If u spend ur 15 min in doing exercise it will be rewarded to u in hours.so save ur timeby doing exercise.
Naina ….