Tracking the tough concept
Now we are on third day of our series. This was even a big problem of mine too
. Till now we have stopped all the delays which were coming to us due to others, now it’s time to be more intense and more deep
We are studying with more and more deep concentration , but still we face many problems like tough concept ..not easy to grasp
. Now the real thunder comes in our way, why so
Because now we tend to lose believe in our own self, whenever we are struck with some difficult topic
,,we rather choose to run away
or even find other ways
.for example flipping between subjects more than occasionally . this creates a trauma because we cant focus on anything
When we do one subject , we are forced to think about the another subject. Just because we have not done our first subject in the best way ..we cant do the best for another subject in the tension of the first one .And this is the main thing that we just get in the real trap of our thoughts and ideas
.we need someone to guide us , to know us more and more deeply … ya this doesn’t happen
…everyone is busy with their own life problems …so need to take a big step for ourself by our own .
Plan fully ------ you must know what you really want to read, this will create a guideline of your whole action towards studies. Untill and unless you don’t know about, what to read , you cant decide how to read that. And that’s the main reason that you can hold a book for 2 hours but really read nothing.
Analysis------- analyze each and everything …no matter how little or how far u can go for analyze. Let your creativity flow like a river. For example if tax is complicated , you can easily make an analysis that tax paper always have the minimum theory of 46 marks which can go for maximum 56 marks. So even if you are strong at theory, you will easily achieve you aim of 40. But the condition is ,you must be perfect.
Perfect notes -------- as I had given a big priority over notes, how much they are helpful when they are made by us., it helps in a big way
Read it whole -------- until n unless you don’t read the whole concept, u can’t force yourself to learn it by heart .So first just read it
. The main mistake is here that we never read fully. Just like we always take decisions before knowing each and every aspect.
Know yourself ----- this is the main gist of the problem .., how to understand and go through toughness of concepts. Give yourself a try with your whole attitude.just because he /she has said it tough ,,doesn’t mean that it tough. Collect the best notes ,which you can understand. For example .. Everyone will prefer law from munish bhandari , but I found g.sekhar best for studying law. So you must know your level to be the best .
Mild step ----- just go one by one . take only baby steps . AS because you cant run until and unless u cant walk properly.So find the relatively easy things in your way, in your topics . then check yourself ?
Are you doing good ??
Challenge---- after completing your easy things now its time to challenge ourself Count all tough things in your way , mark them , think over the new ways
. Consult with the one who can solve it
. Know the level of toughness , you need to solve. Because you can’t dive into an ocean until u don’t know the deepness of the same. Check your own level, U can reach . Reach upto that point. Then go more and more …remember I said its time to be more intense and deep.
My conclusion line ..
Sometime words are hard to find , I am looking for that perfect line
When you want it , when you need it , you”ll always have the best of me .