I want to know that how to apply for digital signatures?
What is the process for obtaining digital signatures??
Milan Somani
(1456 Points)
Replied 24 May 2009
just contact any digital signature intermediatery like TCS, Sify, MTNL, etc.
(523 Points)
Replied 24 May 2009
jst contact the person .. and give him the dsc form filled by u ..
(Practicing CS)
(423 Points)
Replied 25 May 2009
Yah right, Contact any intermediary, fill up the form for that, provide residencial and identity proofs and one passport sized photograph along with the form and cheque or DD of required fees.
(Practicing CS)
(423 Points)
Replied 25 May 2009
Yah right, Contact any intermediary, fill up the form for that and provide the residencial and identity proofs along with the DD or Cheque for the fees.
(In job with KPMG)
(289 Points)
Replied 25 May 2009
if u want, then i can help u out as one of my friend is in this field.
u can mail me....................
Sumit Jain
(4760 Points)
Replied 25 May 2009
go to mtnl or tcs website
download the form
and submit form with them
Sushant Panigrahi
(CAFinal Student)
(312 Points)
Replied 25 May 2009
Just go to MTNL Trustline Website, Select the Type of Certificate, Download the Form, Fill Up the Fees and General Instruction like , get the same attested by a CA, CS or a Official Gazattee, Pay the Fees via credit card or Cheque or DD or even by cash and Submit it at their office
(24 Points)
Replied 25 May 2009
Originally posted by :nimisha | ||
" | Hi....... I want to know that how to apply for digital signatures? What is the process for obtaining digital signatures?? |
" |
U can apply for digital signature, from MTNL.
or for more info www.saibex.co.in
Sushant Panigrahi
(CAFinal Student)
(312 Points)
Replied 25 May 2009
Just go to MTNL Trustline Website, Select the Type of Certificate, first fill up the pre registeration detail, note the pre registeration no, then Download the digital signature Form, Fill Up the Form and other General Instruction , get the same attested by a CA, CS or a Official Gazattee, Pay the Fees via credit card or Cheque or DD or even by cash ,and Submit the hard copy of the form with necessary document at their office. Within a day digital signature will be forwarded to your email id. If u still have any problem u can mail me to at s_pahi @ in.com
(50 Points)
Replied 25 May 2009
just goto mce site and u will find the procedure easily
(1174 Points)
Replied 25 May 2009
Better to go to TCS site... They are one of the producer of Digital Signature
CA Vishvesh
(Chartered Accountant)
(187 Points)
Replied 29 June 2009
There r many venfors in market who males Digital Sign like TCS, MTNL etc. you can get their contact details on IT website. Take a contact details from there and you can get all details w.r.t Digital Sign . Personally take it from TCS
(Freelance Software Professional)
(183 Points)
Replied 06 July 2009
To get the bare minimum DSC for e-filing ITR, I found cheaper options to get Class 2 Gold (without USB token) at:
Its only Rs 206 including taxes for 2 years (which will allow to file 3 ITRs)
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