Dear all
I want to Known that What is differece of Director salary & remuneration.
(145 Points)
Replied 03 January 2014
Salary:Fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on
a regular basis.
Remuneration:pay or compensation that one receives for a
service not on regular basis .For example if a director attended for a board meeting he will receive the remuneration but not salary.
jhansi lakshmi
(Student CA Final )
(26 Points)
Replied 03 January 2014
salary is a monetary amount in respect of services rendered by him.
remuneration includes non monetary incentives also i.e. it includes salary all typer of incentives (monetary & non monetary), allowances and perquisites also.
(834 Points)
Replied 04 January 2014
Thanks for given answer
But one Company has pay to Director Saraly & Remuneration. TDS is applicable Seprate section as 194J & 192 or Both is applicable please confirm.
jhansi lakshmi
(Student CA Final )
(26 Points)
Replied 04 January 2014
in my view both sections will be applicable
(5531 Points)
Replied 07 January 2014
(1) Salary and remuneration are words that are very close in meaning though salary is more commonly used.
(2) Salary is a type of remuneration while Remuneration is a broader term than salary as it consists of bonuses, incentives, stock options, perks etc., in addition to the basic salary of the employee.
(3) Salary is the fixed amount of money that is given to an employee on a monthly basis but remmuneration may not be fixed.
(4) Salary is used for the pay of employees at lower levels whereas remuneration is used for describing the pay of employees in higher echelons of management.