Difference between amalgamation and merger
Tanish Bhutani (16 Points)
07 August 2023Tanish Bhutani (16 Points)
07 August 2023
Mahesh Shah
(2328 Points)
Replied 07 August 2023
Yasaswi Gomes new
(Finance )
(4545 Points)
Replied 07 August 2023
Indas there is no amalgamation and mergers apart from consolidation
sabyasachi mukherjee
(27674 Points)
Replied 08 August 2023
Yasaswi Gomes new
(Finance )
(4545 Points)
Replied 08 August 2023
That's finance concept synergies not accounting. Infact no clue in standards about its treatment. Let's guess, it's simply a take over or aquisition.
Yasaswi Gomes new
(Finance )
(4545 Points)
Replied 08 August 2023
B combination
A transaction or other event in which an acquirer obtains control of one or more businesses. Transactions sometimes referred to as 'true mergers' or 'mergers of equals' are also business combinations as that term is used in [IFRS 3]
This is also equivalent to indas