Could anyone tell me the difference among charge off, write off & write up
m.rajkumar (salaried) (48 Points)
06 December 2008Could anyone tell me the difference among charge off, write off & write up
Hitesh Kothari
(144 Points)
Replied 06 December 2008
Dear Raj,
Charge off means any expenses which is charged to P&L A/c.
W/f means any assets written off to P&L A/c.
Write up means when any assets revalued upward then its Book Value.
Thanks & Regards
CA. Rajeev Aggarwal
(Chartered Accountant)
(3424 Points)
Replied 06 December 2008
Thanx for info Mr. Hitesh,
I also did not abt this
vishal gutka
(83 Points)
Replied 07 December 2008
i agree with hitesh
thanks for providing such vital piece of information