Did you know...

Prabeer (B. COM (H) CA & CS Final)   (5484 Points)

30 December 2008  

Did you know...

 ... that Burnt Hair Records was part of Michigan's space rock music scene in the 1990s.

  • ... that Old Albany Post Road (pictured) in Philipstown, New York, is one of the oldest dirt roads still in use in the United States,
  • ... that Archbishop Robert Knox, father of Lieutenant-GeneralSirCharles Edmond Knox, founded the Belfast Church Extension Society,
  • ... that the U.S. Army continued production of staphylococcus enterotoxin type B for several months after a 1969 policy statement ended the biological warfare program?
  • ... that RussiancellistValentin Berlinsky played for the Borodin Quartet for 60 years, the longest-serving member of what was described as "the longest continuously playing" string quartet in the world,
  • ... that Temple House of Israel in Staunton, Virginia, was founded in 1876 by Alexander Hart, a former major in the Confederate States Army,
  • ... that a bootstrapping node is a node in an overlay network that provides initial configuration information to newly joining computer nodes so that they may successfully join the overlay network,
  • ... that Wu Cheng'en is thought to have written the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West anonymously, because writing in the vernacular language was considered vulgar,