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Diabetic Information And Cure

Page no : 3

K.Lakshmanan (Techinical Consultant) (41 Points)
Replied 17 February 2010

Response to  Mr Meshivy :

Yes  it wil become  thick paste if we  do not tend to it attentively for   2hrs.   In this  regards  please  recall my relevant  para  above  last week  ...  " .....While on this, the extraction of the potion from the  ingredients was a bit tricky, given their  tendency  to quickly solidify , and needed a bit of patience -  It was not possible  to extract  about  0.8 to 1 Ltr at one  stroke  with just 5 cups of water;  I did  it with 4, 5 times each tiome adding additional cups and again boiling.  It took about 2 hrs.   But then it was worth the effort . I have already given the medicine to  2 of my coleagues  to further experiment with their cases of diabates "

Yes we should  not  unauthenticated suggestions.  But the above feed back was  my first hand feed back. And the result given also was factual  feed back  with no claim what so ever.

It was given to share that experienced.   

I will  of course share the   resulting outcome  too  { of the  continued effectiveness or otherwise of the potion on the patient  } after  the next  routine check up with our  family doctor. 

Best wishes

meshivy (GM) (23 Points)
Replied 17 February 2010

Dear Lakshmanan,

Thanks for the prompt reply. It will be nice of u to share the benifits. This mail on diabetic cure has been circulated to too many people  but no body has  ever confirmed the benifit.  Even if it does not benifit, it should not harm or have any side effects, particularly related to Diabetis.

Looking forward for your update

Best wishes

Robs (Security Consultant) (24 Points)
Replied 23 February 2010


With referenene to your Response to  Mr Meshivy : could you please send the steps once again that you acheived for 1 litre.

K.Lakshmanan (Techinical Consultant) (41 Points)
Replied 24 February 2010

I am waiting for  the  second  monthly check up for  my wife   due  this week .  I shall respond  to the  above requests,  aftere that.   KL 

K.Lakshmanan (Techinical Consultant) (41 Points)
Replied 28 February 2010

An important  Feed back   28.2.2010                            


The  monthly check up  (for sugar)   due  for my wife Gita  was done  y/day.

Pleased to share with you the news that  she  is  maintaining her  last month's  level   ( PP 160) ;


In fact, after course completion ( & stopping the medicine ) in between when I checked on 5/2

it had gone moderately  up to 223;  ( but not to  the initial 407) ;  

Gita  chose to take  a second course  of potion - to be  on the  safer side.

As mentioned yesterday check up showed her PP back to 162.

The Doctor asked her to maintain present level of medication, meaning  continuing the insulin.

 Next   month  we will review and think about reducing / avoiding insulin.

 One more feed back.

My Senior Colleague Mr Sunder Sankar  ( 67)   [ who is  taking only  1 sugar pill daily], went thru 1 course of the potion.

He has reported that  his  PP  has  come  down  from 190  to  110.

 Please note  that he is doing  vigorous walk in the mornings;  My wife  also  regularly does  brisk morning walk.

(1)    Conclusion:

[ The source email with recipe said that  1 course of the  potion (  7 days daily & the next week alt days) would  reduce the  sugar level  and  one can  be  normal ( there after ]


( 1. a)

Yes;  the  sugar level  certainly came  down;   But ( in Gita's  case)  it went moderately up  after,  but came  down after  the second course.

I  infer  that one  course would  not be  enough for   a  permanent cure; But I guess continuing with it  for  the second or third course  may provide a longer lasting  sugar free  solution.

Mr.  Sunder Sankar also feels  so.

(1. b)

Please take note that  morning  brisk walk  always  helps. To ensure that is  done  regularly  as a  way of life.

 We have nothing to lose & every thing to gain;   so far so good;  we are continuing  the experiment.

(2)  Tips  for Potion Making :-

As desired by many of you ( those  who sought  further clarification ), for the preparation tips, I  made out   &  have sent to them an Excel file giving step by step  suggestions for the potion making together with illustrative  photographs (  taken from my Picasa  album )   for better clarity.

Trust the above feed back  will be of use to you.

Best regards







Robs (Security Consultant) (24 Points)
Replied 02 March 2010


could you please send Step by step instructions to preopare the portion of 1 litre.



Rizwan Hirani (Engineer) (22 Points)
Replied 02 March 2010

Thanks for the information .. However for me it is quite difficult to digest this big thing.....I really would like to have the contact details of the Dr. Tony Almeida and said Woman of 65yr..

Go through the following link



haresh (dev.officer) (21 Points)
Replied 13 April 2010


this is my first message on thia site,

i am very much hope full about above diabitic cure therapy,please tell me from when i can fond gum of tree and black seed(kalunji)  my residence at bhavnagar(gujarat),but i am ready to get above things from all india.please give reply soon.


meshivy (GM) (23 Points)
Replied 03 June 2010

  kaeyel @ gmail.com 

Dear Laxmanan,


how is the progress on diabateic treatment. Pl update



CA PuRvI M!$rA (-) (2260 Points)
Replied 03 June 2010

thanx for d information..........

Neeraj (Scientist) (21 Points)
Replied 12 January 2011



Apply your common sense....


After boiling 400gms of solid in just 5 cups of water for 10 minutes you will get only semi-solid paste of all these items not WATER




resh (none) (24 Points)
Replied 16 January 2011

Dear All,

Pl read my mail regarding treatment of diabetes.

I have reasons to believe that it is a bluff. Tony Almeida is a tv charcter and someone has created a false remedy. I will certainly not advice anyone to stop medication and use the supplied miracle cure.

Btw, gum otherwise is easily available in most food shops in N India and so is kalunji. BUT I do not think this will do any good. Consider that it contains a large amount of wheat flour, which turns into sugar in the body!!

I will recommend using Jamun extract avaiable at many Aurvedic shops. Try that rather then this recipe.

No one seems to have heard of any Dr by that name. Like a lot of negatives about the Internet, this is someone with a sick mind.

I joined this group, after reading mails from concerned people wanting to get rid of diabetes. Pl do not put yr faith, money and time onthis.If at all try the Jamun which is avaiable as Aurvedic medicine for treatment of diabetes. My suggestion is NOT to dis-continue any medicines that yr doctor may have prescribed.

I do hope this mail will want you to do more reasearch into Tony Almeida , diabetes cures as well as other similar claims.

Serve All, Love All

1 Like

satish law (proprietor) (24 Points)
Replied 05 February 2011

Dear Sirs/Madam,


Thank you for sharing this information, however a few enuiries regarding the methodology, which please advice upon.


You have metioned 5 cups for preparation of the concoction, would request the amount of water to be used in millilitres or litres.  The dosage may also be kindly mentioned in millilitres and not as small cup.  cup sizes differ.


Thanking you,


satish law












































































k.gopalakrishnan (Dy.General Manager) (21 Points)
Replied 26 August 2011

Dear All,

I am diabetic for the last 7 years and keeping in control through medication and regular exercise. I tried the concoction recommended by Dr.Tony Almeida which I came to know through a forwarded mail. Surprisingly it is working for me.My PP sugar level which used to be aroung 160 mg/dL came down to 140 . I used to feel frequently thirsty and dry throat before trying this remedy. Now those symptoms have disappeared.

What I would like to know is whether I can repeat this course again and if so at what intervel.

I request Dr.Tony Almeida to advise me if he happens to read this mail.



Pankaj (Self employed) (21 Points)
Replied 14 September 2011


I had prepared above recepie & found it that entire thing after boiling turn out as thik paste. There was no water left for filter. plz. advice where have I went wrong. As gund & wheat floor will surely turnout as paste. Plz. help

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