Dgft issue policy circular & public notice on 29.02.2012


01 March 2012  

Government of India

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Directorate General of Foreign Trade

Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi


Policy Circular No. 56                                           Dated: 29.02.2012                                                                                                                                                                  



All RA’s /Trade & Industry


Sub: ‘On-line’ filing of PRC.


            Applications seeking relaxation of Foreign Trade Policy/Procedure are to be filed ‘on-line’ on DGFT’s server (dgft.gov.in) using their digital signature/existing IEC + password combination.


2.         Steps to be followed to file the ‘on-line’ application are as under:


(i)                 The ‘ecom application’ icon may be clicked on DGFT’s website to access the PRC ‘on-line’ facility. This icon is available along with the other DGFT ‘on-line’ schemes and will operate in the similar fashion.

(ii)               An ecom number will be generated on initiation of the application for request to PRC.

(iii)             Applicants should fill up the appropriate details depending upon the nature of the request through a structured data entry scheme.

(iv)              The completed application be then submitted by clicking the “submit” e-button. The application will be automatically transmitted to DGFT Hqrs and a file number will be generated and communicated to the applicant through DGFT’s website.

(v)                There could be some supportive documents which an applicant would like to submit. These can be scanned and uploaded. The system has provision to upload up to 5 documents of 300 KB each in gif, html and pdf formats. Further, if required, additional documents may also be submitted by post to ‘The Foreign Trade Development Officer (PRC Section)', 5th Floor, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110011 or can be scanned and e-mailed to prc @ nic.in., quoting the reference number as at (iv) above.

(vi)              All subsequent status would be available ‘on-line’ for viewing.


3.         The ‘on-line’ filing of PRC requests is optional at present and would become   mandatory from a date to be notified later.

(Rajiv Arora)

Joint Director General of Foreign Trade

91-11- 23061573

 rajiv.arora @ nic.in

                                                                                                                      File No. 01/02/125/AM-12/EDI


 (To be published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part -I, Section-1)

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Department of Commerce

Directorate General of Foreign Trade

Public Notice No.   101(RE-2010)/2009-14

New Delhi, the   29 February, 2012


Sub: Amendment in Appendix 37D, Handbook of Procedure, Vol.I


          In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby make the following amendment in Public Notice No.77 (RE-2010)/2009-14 dated 05.09.20111:

2.         The “Note:” at Sr.No.11 of Table-2 in Appendix 37D of Hand Book of Procedure, Vol.I is amended and will now read as under:

“The expression ‘Handmade’ would include Hand-Made, Hand-knotted, Hand-Tufted, Hand-Woven, Handloom and Braided.”

Effect of this Public Notice


Earlier the expression “Handmade” did not include “Braided” in the ‘Note:’ at Sr. No.11 in Table-2 of Appendix 37D. This has now been included.






 (Anup K. Pujari)

Director General of Foreign Trade

dgft @ nic.in



(F. No. 01/91/180/1452/AM10/ PC-3)



Government of India

Department of Commerce

Directorate General of Foreign Trade

Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110011

Policy Circular No.   55 (RE-2010)/2009-14


Dated:    29.2.2012



Subject: Conditionality for Import of Erythromycin Thiocyanate under Advance Authorization Scheme: Applicability of Policy Circular No.9 dated 30.6.2003 and PC 15 dated 17.9.2003.


          Policy Circular No. 9 dated 30.6.2003 and Policy Circular No 15 dated 17.9.2003 prescribe exemption from the registration procedure for imports of approved and unapproved drugs under Advance Authorisation. The issue whether Erythromycin Thiocyanate falls under the purview of these Circulars or not, has been examined in consultation with the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI).


2.       It is hereby clarified that the import of  Erythromycin Thiocyanate for manufacturing and export of ‘Erythromycin Salts’ under Advance Authorisation Scheme is exempt from the conditionalities imposed under Policy Circular No. 9 dated 30.6.2003 and Policy Circular No. 15 dated 17.9.2003. In such cases, only the normal conditions of Advance Authorisation will apply.


3.         In case the import of Erythromycin Thiocyanate is for veterinary medicinal use or for manufacturing of any drug under Advance Authorisation, then the conditions of the Policy Circulars No. 9 dated 30.6.2003 and No. 15 dated 17.9.2003 shall apply, in addition to normal condition for all Advance Authorisations.


           This issues with the approval of competent authority.                   


             (C. Gangadharan)

Dy. Director General of Foreign Trade

Tele No. 23061562 Ext.250

Email: c.gangadharan @ nic.in


(Issued from F. No. 01/94/180/192/AM’12/PC-IV)