(CA Job)
(175 Points)
Replied 07 November 2018
Hi Aparna
a) Plan your studies in advance based on your eligible examination.
b) Have smaller milestones and ensure that you complete the syllabus 2 months before exams.
c) For practical subjects like Accounting and Mathematics ensure that you try the solutions on your own beyond two or three problems in a topic. Also take stock of the mistakes that you are committing in the process buy highlighting the same in different ink to ensure that you won't repeat it in exams. Apart from that maintain a list of important steps / adjustments in practical papers for revision day before exams.
d) For theory subjects make a fast track referencer of key points jotting down the same once you complete each topic. This should be your revision material to revise multiple times before exams.
e) Ensure that you take up two model exams with Institute or any coaching centres so that you can work on improvement areas and take up exams confidently as a seasoned examinee.
More important stay positive and enjoy the learning process.
Thanks and Regards
abarna g
(4 Points)
Replied 18 November 2018
Landmark Judgments: Important Provisions of the EPF & ESI Act interpreted by the Honorable Supreme Court of India