Capital goods
Sanjeev Verma (6 Points)
05 December 2017Sanjeev Verma (6 Points)
05 December 2017
(69 Points)
Replied 05 December 2017
prasad Nilugal
( GST Practitioner & Accounts )
(14851 Points)
Replied 05 December 2017
Yes registered person will get ITC ,subject to you must use for taxable supply and only for the busniess purpose . purchase invoice should be valid GSTN , with tax amount .
If the registered person Claim depreciation on the tax compoment of the capital goods under the provisions of the income tax act 1961 , the input tax credit on the said tax component shall not be allowed .
Sarath Rajendran
(2791 Points)
Replied 05 December 2017
what is the purpose of this capital good
if the capital goods used for personal or used in exempted sales No ITC wiil be available
Sanjeev Verma
(6 Points)
Replied 05 December 2017
mahendra sahoo
(Gst Practicion)
(700 Points)
Replied 05 December 2017
pradeep kumar
(245 Points)
Replied 06 December 2017