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jasjjet (prop) (53 Points)
Replied 22 July 2017

We are a job worker in Noida and our principal(customer) is also based in Noida. We were issued material inputs for job work under section 143 without gst. Turnover would be very less than 1.5 Cr. 


Now my query is:


1. Can all the material we receive for job work under one challan can be returned on multiple occasions under different challans. 

2. Can a single lot of material which comes under multiple challans be returned on multiple occasions under different challans. 

3. What would be the value of our challan while returning the material after job work


material input 100000

Job work charges 5000 + GST 

Material return value? (105900 or 100000 + 5900 as job work bill) 

4. Can we deliver materials after job work for whole month and generate one consolidated invoice for job work charges with GST 

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Preeti (Team_GSTSoln) (Team GST Experts) (1926 Points)
Replied 23 July 2017

Dear sir

there is no one one to relation after material received for job work under gst regime. u can receivve through multiple challan & send back under multiple challan but within 1 year.

2. the materail received b4 gst should be send back within 6 month. & should be clearly identifiable through challan

3. if u r seem to be a register job worker then send goods through deliver challan of Rs 100000/- & separately generate bill of RS 5900/- with delivery challan

Attached File : 549596 20170723163259 gst complete guidance service.pdf downloaded: 157 times
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jasjjet (prop) (53 Points)
Replied 24 July 2017

@ Preeti, Thank you for your prompt response. You have really helped us a lot.

Now just one more query, Can we generate a single consolididate invoice at the end of the month since i have read somewhere that the time to generate the invoice for services is 30days from the date of providing the service.

Preeti (Team_GSTSoln) (Team GST Experts) (1926 Points)
Replied 24 July 2017

consolidate invoice for what?

jasjjet (prop) (53 Points)
Replied 24 July 2017

Consolidate invoice for the job work charges for which deliveries has been made through out the month. The material will be dispatched on delivery challans (value = value on incoming challan)

For eg: 

material dispatched after job work on 3rd(5 machines), 12th(8 m/cs), 18th(20 m/c's), 22nd( 12 M/c's), 29th(5 m/c's)= total dispatch 50 machines @ INR1000.00

so one consolidate invoice on 30th of the month for 50*1000=50000 + 18% = 59000.00 Nett

B H Gowda (Bcom) (24 Points)
Replied 25 July 2017

Dear experts,

we are the re-seller of UPS and batteries and now we sold the same materials to one of our customer and we taken AMC on the same materials, but now the batteris are not working properly and the customer need replacemnt of good batteris now how can i send the materials for replacement under gst ??? please guide me how can i send ASAP.

Read more at: /experts/ask_query.asp

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