Result stress

CA Lakhbir Saini
(Chartered Accountant)
(191 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
CA Manish Mishra
(Qualified Chartered accountant)
(507 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
Common dear running away is not a solution. I can totally understand your situation and mind it. When I say totally, I mean it. There are n no of people in this situation.
Don't postponed your happiness, as life is going on day by day. I suggest don't loose heart. Don't postponed anything for your result. If something need to be done or something come in front of you do it.
Waise bhi if something is not in our hand then no point of thinking and even cursing ourselves. So leave it, enjoy be happy. Start planning and doing future course of action. Without bothering about result.
Waise bhi who knows this may be your last attempt. May God fulfill your wishes.
ankita gandhi
(5908 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
(287 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
(287 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
CA Sunil Kumar
(Chartered Accountant)
(4524 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
CA Arpit Taneja
(64 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
CA Narender Lamba
(109 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
CA Ankit Garg
(Qualified Chartered Accountant )
(1743 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
(152 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
When I failed in CA exam then I have asked the question with my self as to “is the word CA has the meaning of “Come again”? Why I have failed in spite of my hard work. After frequent failure, again going to write the exam, Most of the face is common and familiar. When I failed, I have to face so many questions from the society.
Please request to all dear friends
Never give up our effort. Failure that is after constant effort simply miserable experience. But, it is life and we have to accept my dear friends. Be positive. Some of our friends were leave the CA course merely due to failure or fear to fail. Try to find the mistake of yours. Some time you may be not able to find your reason for failure. But, it can be traced out by some others. Experience make the life more perfect.
Puja Agarwal
(253 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
ACA Anurag
(Enjoy the little things)
(14706 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
Dear All,
Dont take tress as it will not help in any way where as it would give more problems . Always remember if u have given your best then surely u will succeed .
God Bless You
Aditya gupta
(66 Points)
Replied 15 January 2017
Oh god just give me courage to sit in front of my pc type my roll no and face the result..amen
ankita gandhi
(5908 Points)
Replied 16 January 2017