CA final november 2016 results

Page no : 35

Chander arora (Senior Auditor) (33 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

Dear anurag sir, need ur help as i dnt know where i m lacking... a year already wasted in giving group 1

Subjects nov-16 may-16
fr 54 42
sfm 43 50
audit 31 37
law 60 54
Total 188 183

Satish Jethwani (Pratice) (74 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

Attached File : 985775 20170118181606 result.pdf downloaded: 192 times

kavish (kolkata) (114 Points)
Replied 19 January 2017

Region wise number of students passed both groups: Western - 398 Southern - 204 Eastern - 115 Central - 291 Northern - 278 Total 1,286 students passed both groups out of 36,768. 3.5% is the real result for both groups while ICAI's innovative way of announcing the result made it look pretty good.
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saket gupta (student) (165 Points)
Replied 19 January 2017

dear anurag sir,

As per data given by kavish, why everytime eastern region has so low pass percentage..

In november 2015 also when ICAI published centre wise result, it is seen very low pass percentage from eastern region.. 

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Moyyad Zapawala (Chartered Accountant) (425 Points)
Replied 19 January 2017

Dear All, 


Congratulations to those who has cleared and qualified and Best of Luck for the rest. Don't lose the hope and try for next attempt. 

Thanks and regards, 

Moyyad Zapawala.

(, ACA)

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mohd hasan (auditor) (31 Points)
Replied 20 January 2017

Respected members this is Hasan this side..I m Hindi medium student, cleared Ca Final Ist group in 2013 bt nw i am stuck in 2nd group. My query to the members plz give me the suggestion that i want to change my medium from hindi to english.. I m falling b/w 180 to 190 in second group..plz comment members wheather i continue with hindi or go for the english..Its is also notable that i got 67 marks in Audit and 60 marks in IT SM in Ipcc and also got 62 marks in ca final law via hindi medium.. Another question I want to ask to the members, Is there any Partiality b/w Hindi medium student and English medium student.. pls members Including respected Anurag sir, provide ur valuable suggestion..tnx in advance..

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CA Mayank Khatri (CA) (1013 Points)
Replied 21 January 2017

Anurag sir. Pls guide me

Attached File : 502252 20170121001428 img 20170118 001745.jpg downloaded: 186 times

raghavan (self) (611 Points)
Replied 31 January 2017

sriram...passed 1 st GRP 215 marks. 60,45,50,60 sec GRP 45,24,40.

Vineet More (Student CA Final ) (185 Points)
Replied 07 February 2017

sorry to say but you are wrong anurag today i got all my answer sheets of 1st group of final...i have 6 marks grace in accounts, 6 in sfm and 4 in audit.. m from eastern region..soo

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