CA final november 2016 results

Page no : 34

Khushbu (Student) (203 Points)
Replied 17 January 2017

i havnt got marks as per my hard work and how i have written paper..this was my 5 th attempt my law and audit is good but for the d first time i have received 45 audit and 46 law total 183 also for this many attempt i have just appeared for 1 st group knowing my calibar and capacity.. anurag sir cn u plz tl how checking was done in 1 st group western region ..was any grace awarded? my frnd didnt study sfm nicely and also she cudnt appear paper properly due to forex Nd portfolio. and scored 58 ..plz anurag sir explain my querries.thank u
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ANIRBAN DAS (CMA, B.Com, CA Final,) (1522 Points)
Replied 17 January 2017

This was my 10th attempt. I donot understand what or where I need to improve.

AMA - 39 (Paper went very well cud have easily scored 60+)

ISCA-37 (Shocker, easily expected 70+)

DT - 32 (Expected)

IDT-50 (Shocker! Paper was so bad I cud not have gotten more than 25. How come ICAI awarded me 50 is beyond me)

I am working in a PSU as an Accounts Incharge of Local Division since 2014 June. I hardly get 15 days leave for my exams during MAy and November.

Please suggest me some strategy so that I can clear the CA alongside my job.

Any friends who have similar circumstances, please suggest some solution.

I am seriously depressed now. I have passed Group-I way back in May 2012

Jaimin (M Com, CA) (413 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

A big thank you to Anurag sir for continuously updating students fraternity. I m glad to share that I secured 16th AIR. 

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Jaimin (M Com, CA) (413 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

A big thank you to Anurag sir for continuously updating students fraternity. I am glad to share that I secured 16th AIR.

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Jaimin (M Com, CA) (413 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

A big thank you to Anurag sir for continuously updating students fraternity. I am glad to share that I secured 16th AIR.

Attached File : 714525 20170118001739 20170118 000349.jpg downloaded: 213 times

Nidhiii (Audit) (642 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

Ended up with 197 ( 59 in auditing ) . Shocked beyond words as I came damn close. Looks like ICAI didn't give grace marks as Anurag sir had suggested. Really really sad day for me :(

Nidhiii (Audit) (642 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

I ended up with 197 (59 in auditing). Passed the second group last may. 

Totally devastated cos I was expecting to crack it as Anurag sir said grace marks would be given etc.. 7 % first group is just shocking. They could have at least given a 60 in auditing for me considering how well I did in the paper :( An extremely bitter pill for me right now.

shailesh gupta (Student CA Final ) (78 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

hello all,

i got exemption in idt in last attempt failed in costing by 9 marks, this tym same hppend but again got exemption in isca , i can take both at time or im elibible for only idt exemption 

shailesh gupta (Student CA Final ) (78 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

hello all,

i got exemption in idt in last attempt failed in costing by 9 marks, this tym same hppend but again got exemption in isca ,  can i take both at time or i m elibible for only idt exemption 

shailesh gupta (Student CA Final ) (78 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

hello all,

i got exemption in idt in last attempt failed in costing by 9 marks, this tym same hppend but again got exemption in isca ,  can i take both at time or i m elibible for only idt exemption 

Gokul V Shenoy (Audit Assistant) (63 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

Thank you Anuraj sir for your kind support during our tough time..Im looking forward for your support again in future..unfortunately could'nt clear..i had written 2nd group only and had exemption in IDT last time..needed 138..but failed in costing n dt-31 each, though i had done well..its hard to digest, but what to do..i'm greatful to you for your continuing support..only there are few people like you who can understand the difficulties of CA students..i hope my difficult phase will be overcomed soon..

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Sonu S (Working & Pursuing CA - CPT)   (122 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

Dec 2016 was my 2nd attempt and unfortunately I haven't clear CPT this time also . .:( :(
June 2017 will be more tuff than before (Descripttive pattern ) . . .!!

sarita kumari (Accounts Executive) (134 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

@ shailesh gupta u cannot take exemption of isca u can only utilise the exemption of idt . U can read the rules regarding the same on icai website .

Aditya gupta (student) (66 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

Anurag Sir pass % was nowhere around your prediction !!

ACA Anurag (Enjoy the little things)   (14706 Points)
Replied 18 January 2017

Originally posted by : Aditya gupta
Anurag Sir pass % was nowhere around your prediction !!

Dear Aditya,

Pass percentage was shared correctly but they have ignored gracing this time for individual groups which reduce it . If u ahve seen there was no change in both group percentage as they have granted the same it in both group .

Further , Still if u thing it was not correct then i apologise for the same 


God Bless You 


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