Originally posted by : andy vaikunth |
I Wholly understand we might be paying in pounds But its better than paying installments To icai where we dont even know if the Product is ours. And btw i dont feel bad after 4th attempt just because am used to it and it does feel very awkward to lose year by year doing nothing and Also believing tottaly in this. the very fact that i dont feel awkward after failure makes me think am used to it. i dont think thats a right attitude. please advice |
I don't know much about ACCA and I am not even interested in doing research on that, so you need to take care of that. I can give a lot of valuable suggestions for MBA Entrances.
CAT - The most competitve exams which opens gates to probably the best management institutes in India like the IIMs and FMS. An average commerce like you takes at least one year to gain the skill of solving problems efficiently(Read the sentence carefully, I did not write "crack the CAT", "make into top-b schools"). The exam is divided into three sections Quant/Mathematics, Verbal Ability-Reading Comprehension and Data Interpretation-Logical Reasoning. Each of the section share closer to 33.33%(ideally). Open category or OC students have to get over 99 percentile to get into IIM A,B,C,L,K,I and over 97/98 percentile to get into one of the newer IIMs like Trichy, Shillong, Rothak,Raipur, Kashipur and Udaipur. You have six more new ones. So, andy, your writing will not lower your chances in getting into the top colleges provided that you meet the threshold limits the paper setters expect you to have.
XAT- Probably the toughest and the only next competitive mangement examination after CAT. Schools like XLRI ,XIMB and all the colleges under xaviers consider this score for their admission. In addition to CAT, you have a decision making section.
GMAT- Can't elaborate about this in a few sentences. Search for GMAT on the internet. You can take this exam as per your convenience(5 times an year) and the score is valid for 5 years. All the major Graduate schools and Management Schools accept this score. In India, you have schools like ISB,SP Jain accepting the GMAT scores. (But this route may cost a lot of money, so check the financial side before taking this path)
Other entrance exams- This list includes
IIFT(A top B-School in India)
MH-CET(Maharastra has good management institutes like Jamanlal Bajaj)
NMAT(Narsee Monjee)
TISS(For social sciences)
Feel free to ask questions. There's very little help that is available for MBA on this site.