How did it go guys????
Kalpesh Chauhan,
(Tax Assistant (Accounting Technician CA FINAL CS PROF. PROG. B.Com))
(8311 Points)
Replied 15 May 2015
it was quite easy paper. old case laws were asked. on an average there is question on every chapter. instead of MAT only total income computation was asked. In case of deductions direct questions were asked giving situation and asking amount of deduction instead of asking a full quesiton. It was good paper, conceptual clarity of the students was focused instead of checking ratta / memory retention capacity. Todays paper is a good example of "how a question paper of ca final should be drafted", only conceptual clarity should be focused.
Maulik Shah
(26 Points)
Replied 15 May 2015
(245 Points)
Replied 15 May 2015
Avinash Tripathi
(118 Points)
Replied 15 May 2015
(32 Points)
Replied 15 May 2015
Well that's Good!! And it seems, it was definitely not a 'bouncer' the way someone was contending earlier.
sukhbir agro energy limited
(Article Assistant)
(21 Points)
Replied 15 May 2015
Its a bit tricky but right conceptual was better from last tym...
Raj Dutta
(189 Points)
Replied 15 May 2015
CA Sumit Pinjani
(27 Points)
Replied 15 May 2015