Originally posted by : PRADEEP REDDY |
Hello sir,
My name is pradeep from hyderabad.I had witten ca final in may 2014 and awaiting the results.I have interest in fianance and taxation.can you please guide me whether to ahead with fianance field or taxation field.And whether going abroad (without any additional qaulification) is lucarative or not? If so which country should i go?
Thanking you sir |
Hi Pradeep,
Apoligies for delay in reponse. I got stuck in a meeting for last 2 days. Anyway Its a very interesting question as you like both Finance and Taxation.
1. First thing I suggest is you should break down you area of interest into subjects like for example Finance... I am assuming you like Accounts( though there are other fields like Costing, Financial Mangt etc) and Taxation also have 2 divisions, like Direct Tax and Indirect Tax... I am assuming you are into Direct Tax.
2. Either way , I think both accounts and Direct tax are very technical subjects and you can only be an expert in one of them. I am no position to tell you which subject you should choose as this has to be a very personal decision. However, if I were you , I would choose accounting( and by relation auditing) as this is the only subject which only CA's have real expertise everyone else are only interpreting what CA's bring into life. Having said that, it has to be your choice and if you are worried about it , i suggest you should work in a firm where you can test both subjects say for 6 months each and see which interests you more and after that you can make final decision.
3. Going abroad without proper qualification is a BIG NO... Dont do it as it may give you some short term kick , but in the long term without proper qualification is very risky and also make you feel very empty. Good qualification instantly demands respect and that in itself is a big win vs your competitiors.
4. Once you are qualified, it doenst matter which country you go...( Maybe , once you get a opportunity outside India, you can contact me and I will give my opinion about the country and even the quality of job)
Good luck with everything