my query is as to which book to refer OR particularly study from them for ipcc for may 2014 attempt?
Ankit Jain (student) (35 Points)
05 August 2013my query is as to which book to refer OR particularly study from them for ipcc for may 2014 attempt?
(1485 Points)
Replied 05 August 2013
rajkanna j
(36 Points)
Replied 05 August 2013
Accounts institute material
business laws and ethics CA.Munish bhandari
cost accounts and financial management institute material,compilation and practice manual
taxation T.N. manoharan
information technology and strategic management Dinesh madan
Auditing CA.Surabhi bhansal
Ankit Jain
(35 Points)
Replied 10 August 2013
thank u why cant I study from study material provided by ICAI ?
(1485 Points)
Replied 11 August 2013
Actually Study Material issued by ICAI are very huge
It is very difficult for an ordinary student to complete such books and revise as well.
They are also boring.
So, most students preffered Private Authors' books, which colorful, short and exam oriented otherwise Study material by ICAI are best.
I would recommend you to use practice manual completely + Suggested Answers + RTPs.
Honestly I feel study material are best, if you have guts to complete them.
Let me tell you my stratery for CA IPCC Nov. 2013 G2 Exams.
For Auditing, I am using CA Surbhi Bansal Book as a base and Study Material for refrence.
I feel CA Surbhi Bansal mam book is good from exam point of view and study material to understand the concept clearly.
Seriously there are many good points in study material which are good enough to proof that study material issued by ICAI are awesome.
Private Authors books contain only the provision in simple language.
ICAI's books have reasons behind these provisions. This makes learning easy.
Most awesome thing about study material, few days ago I was searching for a summary book on Audit, ICAI's books also have summary after end of every chapter and in beggining of chapters.
I would suggest you at least give some hours to study material and you will love them.
I was one of those who was against study material but when I read some Toppers interview and webcast by ICAI. I refered them and I started loving them.
In Accounts, I am taking classes from Praveen Sharma.
After completion of each chapter I used to refer Study Material to check whether all questions and concepts have been covered.
It is irrelevant for me to read whole study mat again if I am taking classes for Accounting.
For IT, I am using Dinesh Madaan Book as a base for exam and ITT books + Study Mat. by ICAI as reference for understanding purposes.
For SM, I am using only PS Rathore Sir book as I feel it is completely based on ICAI study mat. and covers whole study material in question/ answer format.
I am 100% sure my whole syllabus will be completed till 31 aug except IT.
From 1 sept. I am planning to cover practice manual by ICAI and revise whole course again and from 1 Oct. to cover RTP and Suggested Answers.
then from 15 Oct. I will try some Mock Tests by ICAI and other private coaching classes.
Hope here you will get an idea of importance of study material and its use.
Lastly, this was my personal view and technique to study. Your technique may differ.
If you want to know more about how to study, from where to study, which book should be used, whether ICAI books are good or not, read Toppers interview available on CCI. No one can give better advise than them.
Ya!! you should also see webcast avaiable on
for more refer --> /forum/preparation-tips-for-ca-ipcc-exams-260755.asp
For Group 1,
In Accounting, I had not followed ICAI material as I took classes and revise them only.
In Law, I would say must refer study material because there are lot of topics in study material not covered in private authors and they can be asked in exams. There are also many mistakes in private authors books which is not possible in ICAI books. This was my personal experience in May 2013 attempt for CA IPCC G1.
In CAFM, I took classes and reffered only coaching material and I think study material by ICAI is not good for CAFM.
In Taxation, I reffered VKS for IT and ST and VAT for ST and VAT. I think again study material is not enough for Taxation.
Refer study mat. for Law, Audit, ITSM - Theory subjects.
Check whether all concepts have been covered in practical subjects like Acc/ Adv Acc/ CAFM/ Taxation.
Don't Ignore Practice Manual and RTP
Must take at least 2 Mock Test of each subject.
Ravi Shah
(36 Points)
Replied 19 August 2013
Principles and Practices of cost accounting by Ashish K Bhattacharya (around 1000 pages)
You can get a free preview of this book here:
Cost Accounting: Methods and Problems by B K Bhar (around 800 pages)
(this book is recommended for ICWA Inter students too)
Free preview:
But be sure to solve practice manual too.
The reason I'm recommending these two is because they are very detailed in-depth explanation of concepts and their applications as against only steps given to solve sums in some books. ( Like How was EOQ derived. Also how were stock levels derived. For process costing why do you deduct always 100% equivalent production from statement of equivalent production. At what stages normal losses and abnormal losses can occur etc.) You can score 50/50 with such a thorough preparation.
I also have a few very good international authors' book names for cost accounting. PM me if you want to know more about it.
I think you will find that the study material is mainly based on these two books. Since you still have time I think you can go for them. And they cost around 350-400 only (as against other authors' 450-500)
p.sai venkata jagadeesh varma
(21 Points)
Replied 25 September 2013
how to prepare for may 2014 and what books r to be preferred
pallavi agarwal
(36 Points)
Replied 03 October 2013
The first thing which you should keep in mind that whichever books you decide to study from that should be of the latest edition and should have all the latest amendments and changes made by ICAI.
The book should have both solved and unsolved problems and past IPCC questions.Mostly none of the books provide you complete basics of the unit so try to have notes too of the respective author.
Books commomly preferred by the students are-
cost accounting and FM- ASHISH KALRA OR R K MEHTA
If possible get notes of the respective author and it will be really easy to understand the concepts and problems.
Aabir Sarkar
(Financial Planning and Analysis)
(37 Points)
Replied 04 October 2013
For Audit ICAI material covers everything and is in the language in which examination questions are expected to be answered. Concepts are explained in depth and agree that it is a bit bulky on the flipside. If you can learn by rote, go for Surabhi Bansal's book, else refer ICAI material for proper learning of concepts that will stick long even after the exam is over. Suggestion is to stick with one book and cover the entire syllabus.
(Income Tax Practitioner)
(80 Points)
Replied 10 February 2014
Is there any changes of May 2014 exam for Costing & FM in IPCC