Best books for ipcc self study

Page no : 2

Shayam Gupta (student) (162 Points)
Replied 25 November 2017

Following is the summary of all answers below:-

Accounts: P.C.TULSIAN is the best book for accounts. This book is very detailed and everything is clearly explained. D.S.Rawat for accounting standards.
 Law: Munish bhandari for B.LAW and C.Law.
 Costing:- Purushottam Sir for Costing

Taxation: V.K.Singhania is really good.But you may refer either padhukas or T.N.Manoharan book for indirect taxes. T.N.Manoharan and Padhukas books are also suggested by a lot of people.

Advanced accounting: P.C.Tulsian and D.S.Rawat for accounting standards 
 Auditing:- Both padhukas and surbhi Bansal books are good. Go through both these books and buy the one you find more interesting.
 Financial Magagement:- P.C.Tulsian Book IT &SM - IT-ICAI study material and practice manual.
 Don't ignore ICAI books.
 Good Luck.

Pradeep Singh (35 Points)
Replied 08 December 2017

Following is the summary of all answers below:-

Accounts: P.C.TULSIAN is the best book for accounts. This book is very detailed and everything is clearly explained. D.S.Rawat for accounting standards.
 Law: Munish bhandari for B.LAW and C.Law.
 Costing:- Purushottam Sir for Costing

Taxation: V.K.Singhania is really good.But you may refer either padhukas or T.N.Manoharan book for indirect taxes. T.N.Manoharan and Padhukas books are also suggested by a lot of people.

Advanced accounting: P.C.Tulsian and D.S.Rawat for accounting standards 
 Auditing:- Both padhukas and surbhi Bansal books are good. Go through both these books and buy the one you find more interesting.
 Financial Magagement:- P.C.Tulsian Book IT &SM - IT-ICAI study material and practice manual.
 Don't ignore ICAI books.
 Good Luck.

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ankita (E commerce Manger) (67 Points)
Replied 15 January 2018

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