Hello I would like to know Is there any one who have surrender his exemption and got rank in Exams??
and is surrendering exemption good or bad idea ??
Milind Nimade (Article ) (24 Points)
31 January 2013Hello I would like to know Is there any one who have surrender his exemption and got rank in Exams??
and is surrendering exemption good or bad idea ??
Sumant Gajanan Sathe
(59 Points)
Replied 31 January 2013
hey... i suppose there is no need to surrender exemption to secure rank.. exemption is treated as marks of same attempt in which u secure rank or get cleared.
(Almost CA)
(2199 Points)
Replied 31 January 2013
@ sumanth . U r wrong. for rank u need all the papers to be written in that attempt.
CA Rishabh Lodha
(Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)
(537 Points)
Replied 01 February 2013
Sathish M
(Management Accountant)
(40581 Points)
Replied 01 February 2013
Rakesh and Rishab are right....!
Chinnu Raj
(CA Final Student B.Com)
(1067 Points)
Replied 02 February 2013
If u want a rank u've to write all the papers once again.If u write only the papers which u hav missed cannot help u to get a rank