Fc gpr new company

Page no : 4

Anesh (artical trainee) (22 Points)
Replied 30 March 2015

Madam please send the condonation of delayletter format for late filing of FC GPR, if possible please send the new CS certificate format which is need to submit along with Form FC GPR

to my mail ID aneshchebrolu @ gmail.com




KIRAN GUPTA (CA Practice ) (21 Points)
Replied 28 May 2015

Dear Neha

 I also requre the format for condonation letter. kindly send me the draft letter for condonation of delay in respect of filling form of FC GPR at kgupta2681 @ gmail. 

Thanks n regards



Bhavani (Manager) (21 Points)
Replied 08 June 2015

kindly mail me the letter for delay of filling form FC-GPR for reporting shares allotment at bhavaniksri @ gmail.com it will be very helpful if you forward me the letter asap. 


adi9879 (Consultant) (60 Points)
Replied 20 July 2015

Dear Neha Madam,

Could you pls email the format of condonation letter bhavik.fidelis @ gmail.com


SANJIB KUMAR GHOSH (student) (44 Points)
Replied 30 January 2016

Dear Madam,

Please send me the letter for condonation of delay of filling fof form FPGPR at sanjib.ghosh19 @ gmail.com we are also acing the same problem and it will be very helpful if you forward me the letter asap. Thanks & Regards - sanjib Ghosh

Read more at: /forum/details.asp?mod_id=207233


SANJIB KUMAR GHOSH (student) (44 Points)
Replied 30 January 2016

Dear Madam,

Please send me the letter for condonation of delay of filling fof form FPGPR at sanjib.ghosh19 @ gmail.com we are also acing the same problem and it will be very helpful if you forward me the letter asap. Thanks & Regards - sanjib Ghosh

Read more at: /forum/details.asp?mod_id=207233


shanmukh rubiks (CA Practice ) (21 Points)
Replied 04 April 2016

Hi Neha Ji,

 we have a Private limited company which is subsidiary of foreign company. we got inward remittance from the parent company for issue of share capital towards subscripttion to memorandum of association. we have issued 9990 shares at a face value of Rs. 10/- each amounting 99,900. But we have received a remittance of Rs. 99,700/- instead of 99,900/- which is due to currency fluctuations.

Now we are using e-biz to file FCGPR. But the problem is we have a difference of Rs.200/-. To make good the difference of Rs.200/-Can we cancel the 20 shares which are already allotted

can you suggest me about this?

Thanks in advance.


Shanmukh Rubiks

Jeevan Boora (GST Practitioner) (21 Points)
Replied 20 July 2016

Hi Neha.

Found the above discussion quite useful as i am also facing the same situation.  So i request you to kindly mail the format of letter of condonation of delay in filing form FC-GPR to g1boora @ gmail.com.

Thanks to you in advance for the help.


Jeevan Boora


CA Gopi Kishan Kanodia (consultant) (103 Points)
Replied 21 July 2016

kindly mail me the letter for condonation of delay of filling of annexure 6 and Form FPGPR at kanodia.gopi @ gmail.com. I would highly obliged and would appreciate your efforts.

regards // Gopi K. Kanodia


niki (CS) (22 Points)
Replied 24 July 2017

Dear Neha,


Could u please mail letter for condonation of delay on ng8927 @ gmail.com


Reena (Practicing Company Secretary)   (28 Points)
Replied 28 June 2018

Please can you provide condonation letter in case of delayed in receipt of money by the subscribers to the MOA @ reenavirwadia @ gmail.com

James (Accountant) (34 Points)
Replied 30 June 2018


Can You send me the CA & CS certificate formats and condonation of delay of filing  of FC-GPR to my mail id jcideas1 @ gmail.com




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