Check out on how to use the formula concatenate with example
Akhil Sharma
(141 Points)
Replied 13 June 2012
In case we want to combine the values in multiple cells in excel, we use "CONCATENATE" function. For example, we want to combine the values of cell A1 and B1 the formula will be =Concatenate(A1,B1).
Why this function has been mostly unused because we can get the same result by using "&". For example, in the above case we can get the same result by =A1&B1.
(Chartered Accountant)
(6971 Points)
Replied 13 June 2012
Yes Sir.
But many do not know "& function" also.
Babita Jain
(Personal Assistant)
(308 Points)
Replied 13 May 2021
You can combine text data from two or more cells / columns into a single cell / column using the Ampersand symbol (&) or the CONCAT / CONCATENATE formula function.
An example formula might be =CONCAT(A2,B2," Family").
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