Sir, I'm P.Lokesh, searching an Audit Firm in Vijayawada. I have came out of Kowtha & Co (took termination) for 2 months due to some personal issues. I have passed both groups of IPCC in my first attempt in May 2014. I have looked forward for articleship in Brahmaiah & Co, MN Rao Associates, MVR & Co, Suresh Babu & Co, RSM Associates, Durga Rao & Co etc. I have got chances in those all for my knowledge but I have selected the above firm. Now I'm searching again. Please give me options in Vijayawada. I need all sorts of Working and a Good environmental Firm. Provide me a list of Good Audit firms in Vijayawada.
Thanks & Warm Regards,
Pasupuleti Lokesh.