Congratulation to all the winners .....!!! a must read by all

Page no : 3

Gaurav Kochar (CA) (332 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Many congratulations

Replied 10 September 2011

Congratulation for Winners.......... Keep Rocking

IPSA ;) ($) (611 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

ol wonderful n deserving people !!! Congrats :) :)

srinivass (CA Final) (2466 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Congrats to all members

RG - A Helping Hand (Company Secretary) (13867 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Many many congratulation to all the wonderful winners of CCI awards.

Enjoy this proud moment.



Jyoti (CS Trainee) (541 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Heartiest Congratulations to all the winners.

SANYAM ARORA (“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”)   (20173 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Thnaks to all fro their comments........!!!!!!!

Aditya Maheshwari (CA in Practice) (35867 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Congratualtions to all the winners!!! Keep it up and keep sharing and keep rocking!!!

Rahul Bansal (Finalist) (35929 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011








CMA Ramesh Krishnan (Cost & Management Accountant)   (71604 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

I am very glad receive this award and honor. CCI is helped much for my success in my studies as well as career, I started CCI member as average CWA student only. CAclubindia have very great role for clearing ICWA and success in my job also. As inspiration of club, after qualified I started replying queries as expert.  While starting as expert, I don’t know subject for many of the queries. That only initiates to update and develop my knowledge. In simple words I realized “getting professional qualification only not enough also we need to update latest knowledge regularly otherwise we are outdated from the field”  As expert how much  we replying that much we came to know the problem and solutions for that and also we can develop that much knowledge. This is learned as expert in CCI.

This Success is not only my success but also

1.       My Parents  (given me the precious life & self confidence )

2.       My Seniors in the field (given me the guidance)

3.       My friends ((given me the  Inspiration)

4.       My colleagues in my office  (given me the motivation)

Special Thanks to all the experts in CCI and CCI admin, moderators and all the CCI members who have voted for me and others awardees

Last but not least more than all of the above, I want to Thanks to my God for this success, because I believe in my God always. God is with me always in every moment of my life as friend to guide for every up & downs in my life. Praise God.

Thanks Again :):):)

CMA. Ramesh Krishnan

2 Like

SANYAM ARORA (“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”)   (20173 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Congrats ramesh sir, u deserve that.............!!!!!

Mukesh Kumar Singh (CA-FINAL) (4094 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Congratulation for Winners.......... Keep Rocking

ROHIT CHATURVEDI (CA Final Student ) (2298 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Originally posted by : Karan Teli

They are really gr8 personalities on this club..!

they have been helping a lots to all..

Heartliest congratualtions to all and thanks bro for the info...

CA Khushboo Agrawal (CA ) (1811 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

congrats  to all sir ji

1 Like

swathi (student pcc) (584 Points)
Replied 10 September 2011

Congratulations to all of u !!!!

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